We get asked a lot about what makes MIMO cash and coin recycling so special, so we assembled some of the most commonly asked questions about MIMO cash automation.

A cash recycler automates the acceptance and dispensing of cash and coin. The cash and coin are automatically organized and stored securely inside the cash recycler safe. The money that gets deposited into MIMO is the same money that gets dispensed out again. All user activity and cash and coin inventory are tracked in real-time by MIMO’s back office reports. The very definition of recycling…money goes in, and money goes out (MIMO)!
MIMO makes dispensing tills quick and easy by letting you preset the breakdown for each department. Users iust have to login and press “Start” to receive their preassigned till. Vault and Admin staff have additional permissions which allow them to request custom denominations and amounts if needed.
Yes – each user will need to be assigned a Daily Dispense Limit. This defines how much a user can dispense in a 24-hour period. You can also assign “unlimited” dispense access to Vault and Admin staff.
MIMO uses standard thermal receipt paper, similar to your POS – and MIMO Coin’s till opening is adjustable to fit most drawers.
Any low-quality or indecipherable bills that get refused can be manually deposited via the “Misc Media” option. Some MIMO customers use this option to also drop items like checks, tokens, and coupons into a separate safe once they are added to the employee’s daily totals.
Yes! MIMO has optional “Proxy” functions that allow designated users to dispense banks, make change, and perform deposits on behalf of other users.
MIMO cash automation is used in casinos, grocery stores, amusement parks, cannabis dispensaries, entertainment venues…and all types of other business that accept cash. If your business is handling cash and coin – cash automation will absolutely save you time and money. Most managers spend over 20 hours per week preparing tills, counting, verifying, and sorting cash and coin. Even cashiers report spending up to 45 minutes per day just counting the cash in their drawer! MIMO cash automation and cash and coin recyclers take away all that extra work – and give your team the freedom to focus on your business.
MIMO offers in-person and remote training to help your team transition to cash automation. User-friendly software, manuals, videos, and a 24/7 Technical Support team guarantee you will feel confident with every aspect of MIMO operations.