Does Your Property Have a Handle On It's Cash?

Find out more by seeing a MIMO in action

Casinos & Gaming

MIMO has the capacity to handle your casino's large amount of cash. With a MIMO 200 you can relieve your cage management staff from constantly handling notes and coin. Are they wasting time counting money manually when they could be helping your guests? Let MIMO do the counting and let your Cage Management Staff be that smiling face customers are looking to chat with.


If your hotel property has a restaurant, gift shop and entertainment you need a MIMO. Front desk operations alone can overwhelm staff with cash. The need to eliminate manual cash handling becomes important to your bottom line. MIMO has an entire Development Team, based in the United States to customize reports and alerts and build integrations to your hotel systems.

Grocery Stores

Secure your cash at each of your multiple registers. Increase your efficiency and security for all your cash handling processes. MIMO changes out tills in a minute and clerks can check out their own tills in the morning and in the evening deposit them back at the end of the shift. When you recycle your cash, there is less needed in the grocery store. You can easily see all details about your tills with our MIMO CORE Back Office reporting software.

Cannabis Dispensaries

In Cannabis stores, cash is king1 Utilizing a MIMO cash recycler greatly increases security throughout your dispensary. With a large volume of cash and registers you typically need dedicated staff for the cash room. MIMO has worked with dispensaries all over the country to establish security protocols to free up your staff and get them helping customers and focusing on operating your business, not handling cash.


MIMO cash and coin recycling safes are instrumental in cutting down the time it takes to process cash in all your locations. Utilizing MIMO cash handling solutions, we can reduce the labor burden associated with cash managment, which helps retailers eliminate up to 80% of those cost. The most signifigant area of cost savings is operational costs, which tends to be, on average 4-6 hours per day in the retail space

Amusement Parks

Where are your Management Staff? Are they wasting time counting money manually when they could be helping your guests? Let MIMIO do the counting and let your staff be that smiling face customers are looking to chat with! Let MIMO do your end of day reconciling of banks and closing procedures, provide up to the minute cash reports and audit all cash details. Plus the additional cash security features may save on insurance premiums.